Sunday, October 30, 2011

satu benda aku belajar hari ini...

Assalamualaikum dan salam keinsafan nafsu semua...

Hari nie aku kembali ke sg. buloh, ondaway nak pulang ke cendana...nak sambung kehidupan pelajar yang bajet bizzi macam aku niekan...buekkkk, menyampah rasenyer.tapik nak buat macam mane, mister mano nak wat kelas, so i folow ajelah...ehhh, back to real story...

Today, aku belajar something new in life...ektually, anything we do, we must set the objektip and, here the story that reflect to this point of notation**tetibe???

Pagi tadik, around 11.30 camgitu, aku ditumpangi abgku, abg baya pulanglah balik ke metropolitan for aku nak balik shah alam and for abgku nie nak amek motonyer di UPM and drive it back to teluk the journey goes smoothly without traffic jam yang menguji keimanan and, sampailah di sekitar area ijok...(dulu2, waktu aku kecik, aku ingat ijok nie shortform untuk institut jalan orang2 kampung...) and tetibe;

"alamak mane kunci moto abg baya..."

carilah punyer carik dalam kete tapik tak jumpe and abg baya decide to call my mummy and ask whether kuncinyer ade di rumah tak and the answer is, YES...omg, macam mane nie...makanya, tak mampulah abg baya nak amek moto di UPM and drive it back to tlk intan anymore...just sebab silly mistake where kunci tinggal...makanya sampai kl dalam pkul 2.00pm and aku hantar balik abgku ke perhentian DUTA to travel back to teluk intan amek kunci... -____-

- the end ~~~~~

So, kesimpulannye, anything what we do, never leave the most inportant thing behind or what ever we do will exactly be useless and we whether have two choice; kembali ke pangkal jalan and start over or just leave it and keep the mistake to lead to other more mistake that will make life more miserable...**terase plak...

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