Friday, July 22, 2011

i'm NOT a nerdy boy...

Assalamualaikum semua...

Takde ape-ape motip pun sebenarnye, saje jer nak menulis...first and foremost, ucapan takziah untuk nadia sbb hilang duit yer. :( oklah, now it has been 3 week im here as an INTECians and im proud to be as it..lots of best thing jadi kat sini and im going to love it as it was...

ME, i change and rotate like 360 degree as i step my first feet here in cendana as well as intec ok..i become more mature and more baligh..hee^^ xtrass plak...but it serious...lots of change occur suddenly in my whole day that im so surely akan influence my entire life...sumpah over prediction of futurism..

Giler kamu..memang tak pernah dibuat aku bangun pukul 5.30 pagi mandi-mandi pastu solat subuh and terus study...what STUDY??? heee^^. mesti kome terase cultural shocknyerkan..siyesly, u can cut my penis again kalau aku bohong...5 years aku kat gopeng dulu, i never ever touch or even read a line of book before g skolah..but now i change..except time SPM-lah..opssss sori tukar2, cut my finger, terover plak...

Another cultural boom to me as i'm not sleep or even sleepy in bus...try o guess what im doing...yeah, correct i read likealmost a pages of the cambridge biological sciences book volume 1 yang sejengkal tebalnye...fulamak, giler memang maha dahsyatlah aku rase...heee^^..but im not riaks ok...

Masya-Allah...begitu indahnye disini.tak penah2 aku join usrah utp dulukan tapi kat sini aku rase macam terpanggil untuk join usrah diorang..bestlah.siap time dah salam main cium2 pipi lagi tu, dia jemput makan dalam talam..dalam memori memang ingat nasik mandi ker, mcdonald ker tapi rupenye roti canai dawood...woi.!! tak bersyukur ker...mahal kowt roti canai dawood..i feel very alhamdulillah...

Dekat sini pun aku rase macam..ya Allah..makan 2 keping aje...5 minit aje terus settle perut aku digest..ciput yang teramat..even aku makan 2 keping aje roti gardenia as breakfast, kelas yang non-stop akan menyebabkan aku makan tengah hari-malam aku pun tak sure dah sbb time tu dah pukul 2-4 petang..tapi aku takdelah rase lapar, rase biase jer...ha3x o___0 kekadang tu malam makan skali lagi nasi bujang makcik indon..burghhhh, kenyang..hu3x :( rindu masakan ummi...

Perghhhh...memang aku pun tk predict bende alah nie sbb dulu kat seGopeng nak kire aku masuk pusat sumber pun boleh kire pakai sebelah tangan jer, but now nak kire pakai tangan siap tambah jari kaki pun dah tak cukup sebab rase macam kerap sangat aje...RASE nyelah..ha3x.

Heee^^..janganlah gelakkan aku..maybe i'm not running around the tasik 2o round without stop ke ape, but at least i get 5-6 round run+walk around the tasik per day..kire maha dahsyatlah tu..before nie kat mane penah...

finally, AKU TIDO PUKUL 12.00 MALAM...
Kat gopeng dulu nak tido pukul 11.00 tu pu dah rase lambat, but here tido pukul 12 tu dah rase ganjil giler arghh sebab budak lain semua tido pukul 2..pagi...pastu yang lebih mengshockkan lagi dahlah tido pkul 2 pastu bangun 4.30 sambung study plak...tergugat rasenye..kalaulah kat skola dulu aku stay up, maybe i'll get better or maybe worse...haa3x. but it ok sbb that is my rezeki.

Look, my whole life setart to change towards perfection...heee^^..ngelabah jer lebih..maybe it not 100% but it is towards.. i love the life that i live right now..hopefully i will become a great a-level student and pass the exam in order to fly away ke ireland...amin..jangan lupe doakan aku ekk.and remember i'm not a nerd a-level student..


ad said...

first, you are a nerd. =P

ok la 2 tido kul 12. bgn kul 5? heh ak mng. =P ak bgn awl sket. haha

bdk intec kan.. daily schedule mmg bz gila la. you can do it! nti jumpak kat ireland. oh, waktu tu im your senior. muahahaha!

shahnonsalleh said...

hahahha bajet nak mampuih...