Friday, September 9, 2011

warkah terakhir untukmu...

Firstly, assalamualaikum all -____-

I'm sorry as aku nie really not up-to-date sesangat nowadays kerana kebizian duniawi and ukhrawi sampai dah takde mase nak berfacebook nie...and even bervelog.sumpah bizi..heee^^

So, tadi bukak je facebook tu dia melimpah-limpah notification sampai pening membace and the thing that i tend to focus more is bebudak middle-east dah setart to fly and aku rase it unfair klu nanti aku just wish ex-intec aje kan so here it is; gwed lucks to you all and have a nice life there....jangan nakal-nakal taw.

It is even more nice bile haikal pun dah ferlay...seeroonooklah kome yer fly nothing else to say, i end it with a 2 kerat yer..

Naik unta pergi pasar,
Belajar rajin-rajin yarr.

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